Object and video performance

Two Heathers Down, One Heathers Standing

Two Heathers Down, One Heathers Standing

Object and video performance

Duration: 1 min.  | Format: 16:9 HD

Two Heathers Down, One Heather Standing is the continuation of the collaboration

between Veronika Hösch, Nora Jacobs and Nicole Sabella, in which a unicorn plays the main role. The unicorn was first used in the performance Heathers, which was developed as part of the Turbo Residency Program during the ImPulsTanz Festival Vienna 2013. The emerging video performance Two Heathers Down, One Heather Standing focuses on a motor-driven unicorn used in the performance Heathers (2013) and spins a whimsical fable around its origins and life course. This is a continuation of our exploration of performative format changes and perspectival shifts within the project Final Girls.For the Objects Exhibition, this prop was selected and exhibited with a video in which the three artists took on the role of supporting actresses and reconstructed the unicorn‘s origin story in front of the camera.


Performance text:

A toy factory in Asia.

Cut. Cut. Cut.

Big machines running.

A horse, who dreams of being

like the other horses with an


Children hands touching.


The horse is flying.

The horse thinks it can fly.

Christmas trees.

Christmas Carols make noise.

Children hands touching.

The horse gets kicked out because

it is toxic.

Spears goring its heart.

A Caritas Store in Europe.

Children hands touching.

Ratified by its rising numbers of


Children hands touching.

A high-pitched scream splits the


(a scream is heard)

A horse, pretending to be a


Using its camouflage as a disguise.

As actresses do in movies.

It is the messenger of evil.

Only one goal in sight but in

the end it ends up in a one way


The set is now falling apart, deconstructed

by the co-workers of

the performance.

The production is loaded onto

the truck.

Thunderous applause.

It will be gone by now.

Fade out.


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SharedSpace_Music Weather Politics: Objects Exhibition PQ 2015, Prague Quadriennial for Performance, Design and Space Nová sín Gallery, Prague 2015



Performance and object documentation by PQ 2015