Video performance and installation 

Vérorose - Telenovela Trailer

Vérorose - Telenovela Trailer

Videoperformance and installation

Duration: 2.42 min – Format: 16:9 (PAL) | Posters (42,0 cm x 59,4 cm) | autograph cards (9,8 cm x 14,6 cm) | interieur

Veronika Hösch reflects on the fiction of romance on screen. In her video work Vérorose, she satirises the illusion of love that is shown to us in film and television. In the trailer for a fictional telenovela, the protagonist, Vérorose (Hösch’s alter ego), mimes stereotypical female poses that are considered seductive in TV series, such as eye pokes or slowly smoking a cigarette. The soundtrack “I am never tired of falling in love” indicates that Vérorose will fall in love again and again, just as the protagonists in film and television do time and again. When one object of desire is no longer available or desirable, the next one appears. Female characters on screen are almost never portrayed without a man for whom it is apparently worth performing femininity.


Text by the collective Kaeshmaesh



Cinematograpy by: 

Suzie Léger


Camera operator by: 

Judith Grünauer


1. Assistant camera, Photographer & Scriptgirl by: 

Raffaela Bielesch


Stage Lightning by: 

Judith Grünauer


Make Up & Hair Styling by: 

Julia Burger; Sound & Vocals: Irma Tulek & Veronika Hösch


Graphic Design by: 

Veronika Hösch & Irma Tulek


Installation phontos by:

Veronika Hösch 


VIDEOKUNSTFESTIVAL 2022, Industrietempel im GML, curated by Thomas Reutter, Ludwigshafen (DE) 2022

FEM4 Contemporary Video Art Exhibition Tour, curated by Videokanava, Cultural House Mikäel Härkänen | Cultural House Laikku |

Tahmela Villa Tampere | Center of Contemporary Art Pispala (FIN) 2019

Some Threads and Traces – 13 Austrian Women (Video) Artists, Photon Gallerie Wien, (AT) 2019

Some Threads and Traces – 13 Austrian Women (Video-) Artists, Photon Gallery Ljubljana (SLO) 2019

entzaubert – noncommercial QUEER D.I.Y. Filmfest, Berlin (DE) 2012

9th Naoussa International Filmfestival, Naoussa (GR), 2012

VI. International Biennal of Textile Art México, Galería Carolos Fuentes, Xalapa (MX) 2011