Video performance

(over-) above_level 0

{over-} above_level 0

Video performance

Home camcorder | Format: 4:3 HD | Duration: 16 min 14 sec. 

The first performance of the {over-} above series is about the elements which make up consumerism: images, portraits, the cult of stardom in pop culture and in the field of art. Super Suzie is cool and sexy, dressed in a red Superwoman suit and playing a stereotypical male rock idol. In a pink cabaret costume Super Véro transforms herself into a passionately sensual oriental belly dancer. The Super heroes meet for the first time.


The installation includes a stack of three TV monitors, on which are shown fragmented close-ups of the Super Girls. A wooden ‘body-guillotine’ in three sections acts as a foil or analogue to the TVs – on which bodies and sounds are broken up into organised rhythms. The visuals are recorded by three different cameras and projected onto the wall. The super girls revel in their violation of stereotypes, of media images and social structures, assailing rules and boundaries as if to create new spaces for themselves.


Text by David Lillington


Cinematography, Editing, Concept & Post-Production by:

Veronika Hösch and Suzie Léger


Visuals by:
Evelyn Loschy


Camera assistantance by:
Ulrike Kreuzer





Kunsthalle Karlsplatz, Project Space Vienna, 2007

Soho in Ottakring, Vienna 2007

Offspace nullraum A4, Bratislava, 2007